Education for Citizenship (EC) and European Integration (EIN)





Welcome to the website of the J. Monnet project: ECEIN, Education for Citizenship (EC) and European Integration (EIN). The J. Monnet Programme is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP); its aim is to improve citizenship education and fostering the European dimension, in particular at University level.

ECEIN intends to answer to the needs of enhancing the civic competence and motivating students to learn about the EU integration process, understanding and respect for human rights and democracy , encouraging tolerance among other peoples and different cultures.

The aims is to offer support to students and teachers in finding documents and information and facilitating learning and teaching.

Diventare Cittadini Europei - a cura di Olga Bombardelli can be download from the download box below

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Education for Citizenship and European Integration (ECEIN) 2012- 2015

The research is focussed on citizenship and on education for citizenship in an European and Intercultural dimension. ECEIN developes the ability to understand and to accept the present society to supporting the active citizenship and the promoting of the awareness of a shared destiny among different people and countries.

It is a three years’ project (2012-2015) and the innovative results will be disseminated even through digital and multimedial learning tools.

The project addresses all students of the University of Trento, to trainees, to teachers and to interested people.

During the project, specific modules, workshops, international conferences, seminars and collaboration with schools are planned.


From 2007 to 2012, at the Department of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Trento,  it had been promoted the J. Monnet project: EFE, Education for the future of Europe.

The Jean Monnet Programme

The purpose is to enhance knowledge and awareness among academics, students and citizens, to stimulate excellence in teaching, research and reflection in European integration studies. It is part of the LifeLong Learning Programme (LLP).

Events and activities

11th March 2019
University of Trento
Quale futuro per l'Europa?
Diego Quaglioni, docente di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Giorgio Anselmi, presidente del Movimento Federalista Europeo (MFE)
Olga Bombardelli, docente senior di Pedagogia generale e sociale, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
Fulvio Cortese

8th May 2014
University of Trento
Buildungstandards in Austria
Elisabeth Muerwald, Scheifinger, Hochschule Baden–Lower Austria

7th May 2014
University of Trento
Scoprire l’Europa. La dimensione europea e interculturale dell’istruzione
Hans Göttel, Europahaus Burgenland, Austria

9th -12th December 2013
University of Trento - University of Hamburg
DAAD Social-economic and ethical education. Italian - German dialog
Olga Bombardelli
Tilman Grammes

8th - 9th October 2013 - 13th January 2014
University of Trento
European Citizenship at school. A programme for Secondary Education
Olga Bombardelli, Trento University

April, 16th- 17th 2013
University of Trento
I giovani e la cultura europea, una esplorazione pedagogica per l'autoformazione
Roberto Albarea, University of Udine (Italy)

April, 8th 2013
University of Trento
Citizenship education in the Baltic countries
Anna Tatarinceva, The Baltic International Academy, Riga

March, 13th 2013
University of Trento
Citizenship Education in Romania
Irina Stanciungelu, SNSPA Bucharest



  1. 2013 Eurocitizenship report (You can download it from the download box);
  2. Eurydice (2013). Key Data on Teachers and Schools Leaders in Europe. Brussels: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Eurydice and Policy Support.
    •  European Commission, Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy
    •  European Commission - Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications
    •  European Commission, Rethinking Education strategy, Rethinking education: investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes
    •  How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education
    •  Contribution des enseignants à l’éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits de l’homme
    •  New Skills for New Jobs
    •  Pisa, OECD Programme for International Student Assessment
    •  Pisa under Examination
  3. Eurydice, The Organisation of School Time in Europe. Primary and Secondary General Education 2015/16 2015
  4. Eurydice,  Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2014/15 - 2015
  5. Istruzione e formazione verso il traguardo del 2020. Il punto sull'Italia 13/03/2014
    Studio dell'OCSE sull'equità nell'istruzione
  7. OECD (2014). TALIS 2013 Results. An international perspective on teaching and learning. TALIS, OECD Publishing.
  8. Risoluzione del Consiglio e dei Ministri dell'istruzione riuniti in sede di Consiglio concernente la dimensione europea nell'insegnamento del 24 maggio 1988
    RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL AND THE MINISTERS OF EDUCATION MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL on the European dimension in education of 24 May 1988 (88/C 177/02)
    Resolution on the European Dimension in the National Syllabuses 2006
  9. Lo spazio europeo dell’istruzione superiore verso il 2020, Roma 2013
  10. Standard Eurobarometer
    Public opinion
    Eurobarometer Special Surveys
  12. Newsletter: Istruzione e formazione verso il traguardo del 2020. Il punto sull'Italia 13/03/2014
    Newsletter: THE COUNCIL AND THE MINISTER Statement of the Fourth Bologna Policy Forum Yerevan, 14-15 May 2015


Olga Bombardelli, L'Europa e gli europei a scuola, Brescia, La Scuola, 2012

Bekemans, L., Karasinska-Fendler, M., Mascia, M., Papisca, A., Stephanou, C.A., P. G. Xuereb, P.G. (2007). (Eds.). Intercultural Dialogue and Citizenship. Translating Values into Actions. A Common Project fo Europeans and Their Partners. 665. Venezia: Marsilio.

Maresceau, M.  (2001). Tracing the History of the Jean Monnet Programme, 20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme. Luxembourg: Office of the European Union.  pp. 274-284.


UNIONE EUROPEA: il portale dell’Unione Europea:

Commissione Europea:

DG Istruzione e cultura (solo in inglese):

Education and training (solo in inglese):

La sala stampa dell’Unione Europea:

Programma Jean Monnet (solo in inglese):

EUROPEANA – Biblioteca europea:

EU Tube:

L’Europa su Facebook:

EURYDICE (solo in inglese):

Rete italiana dei centri di documentazione europea:


MIUR – Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca:

INDIRE- Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa:

VIVOSCUOLA- Il portale della scuola in Trentino:

European Union, Teachers' corner

European Citizenship Learning in a Programme for secondary

Exibition of teaching tools, and schoolbooks

  • Diventare Cittadini Europei
    Trento, 20-21 April 2015
    You can find the book "Diventare Cittadini Europei" - curated by Olga Bombardelli into download box
  • Key Competences for Successful Education and for Informed Citizenship
    Trento, 29-30 September 2014
    It's possible download the brochure from the download box


Prof.ssa Olga Bombardelli

Docente di Pedagogia generale e sociale, cattedra J. Monnet


Università degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Via Tommaso Gar 14, 38122 Trento